Church Life

The Dalmations
The Dalmations allows members of the Church to interact socially. The group meets one Wednesday each month (usually on the last Wednesday of the month) following the 11.00 am said Eucharist. We do take a break during the high season summer months (usually May to July).
This is a group for all ages. The format is to have coffee in the Douglas Hall after the service. We then gather to hear a speaker (maybe even to ask a few questions too) for about 45 minutes. After this, a simple meal of a bowl of soup and some pudding will be served. The members are invited to volunteer to make the soup or pudding (not both on the same day). Everyone puts a contribution into the basket (around £3 is suggested) and expenses are covered that way. Usually we end by around 1:45 pm which gives plenty of time to pick up children or grandchildren from school!
Occasional outings are organized in place of the usual meeting.
New members of any age are always welcome, just come along – nothing to sign, no registration.

Some of the charities St Mary’s has helped are featured in the millennium window.
Charities represented in the millennium window:
- CHAS is a Scottish charity committed to the provision of children’s hospice services.
- Aberlour Childcare Trust is an organisation whose aim is to help vulnerable children throughout Scotland.
- The Waverley Care Trust supplies support services for HIV positive people and their careers.
Other Charities
- Mary’s Meals In 2007, the congregation provided Mary’s Meals with the funding to build and equip a kitchen at Dole Primary School, Mchinji, Malawi. Click/Tap here for more information.
- Alzheimer Scotland is a charity campaigning for and providing services for people with dementia and their families.
- Maggie’s Centre is a drop-in service for cancer sufferers and their families.
Every year the Bishop of Edinburgh selects a good cause(s) and the churches in the diocese raise funds for the cause(s) throughout Lent.
Click here for the 2021 program
V – Visionary in that we are able to look to the future while building upon the past.
E – Energetic in that we are willing to give time and effort to the various tasks assigned or asked of us on behalf of the wider congregation.
S – Supportive in that we listen to each other and the wider congregation and seek to care for each other.
T – Thoughtful in that we do not rush in with ideas “half-baked” but take time to think and pray the way forward.
R – Responsible in that we remember that we are representing the wider membership of St Mary’s congregation and not our individual concerns alone and that we are effective in our communication with each other and the congregation.
Y – Yeasty in that we allow ideas to rise and be mulled over.
The Organ
The organ began life as a one-manual chamber organ of 54-notes by the Edinburgh organ builder David Hamilton (1800-1863), probably installed in Dalmahoy House, then home of the Earl of Morton (now the Dalmahoy Hotel & Country Club, in the same grounds as the church). Several features of the organ suggest that the original instrument dates from 1840, possibly earlier. The church was consecrated on 24th September 1850, and at some point before 1890 the organ was installed in the church in the alcove by the north door of the nave. Much of the surviving pipework is made of good quality thin, high tin content alloy, a feature of Saxon organ builders, and we know that David Hamilton received his training in Saxony. Later, David Hamilton’s brothers, Thomas and James, added the 30-note Pedal Organ.

Join The Choir
Our choir sings anthems and other settings at the main Festival Services such as Easter, Pentecost, Harvest and our Christmas Carol Service, plus the occasional Choral Evensong.
Our choir is a member of the Royal School of Church Music.
Choir Practice is held weekly, Sunday at 9:15 am for half-an-hour.
If you would like to join us, contact our Choirmaster or Rector.
St. Mary's Church Dalmahoy
Parish Office, Kirknewton
EH27 8EB, United Kingdom
0131 333 1683
Printable Directions