About St Mary’s
Mission Statement
St Mary’s Dalmahoy reaches into our communities, to share our faith, demonstrating God’s love by supporting and creating space to nurture peace, forgiveness and hope.
Vision Statement
St Mary’s Dalmahoy is a place of Healing and Joy; all are welcome and cared for, loved and supported. We celebrate Jesus’ presence through prayer, thanksgiving and praise.

The Millennium Window
The Millennium window was made by members of the congregation and members of the stained glass group from “Stepping Stones”, and installed in February 2001. Following a suggestion to Vestry during 1998 that it might be appropriate to have a permanent memento in the form of a stained glass window, for the year 2000, marking the 150th anniversary of the building of St. Mary’s, it was agreed to look into the possibility of having a window made.

Rich History
The church, which was originally provided by Helen, Lady Aberdour, was consecrated on Tuesday, 24th September, 1850 by Bishop Terrot, Bishop of Edinburgh. It was never a private family chapel. From the start it was a place of public worship in the Anglican tradition.
Our Christian heritage goes back much further than this as the cross slab which stands in the church grounds to the east of the church building testifies.
This standing stone dates from the 10th/11th century and was moved in the late 19th/early 20th century from the nearby Torbane Hill.

The New Window
Started in January 2005 and completed in March 2006.
The window was designed by John Helliwell and made by twenty members of the congregation.
Some folk had previously helped in the making of the Millennium Window, which can be seen towards the back of the church, but others were complete novices to stained glass. These newcomers first learnt the techniques required by making a small item before progressing to work on the window.
St Mary’s is extremely grateful to Maureen Blackwood, a member of the congregation, for her kind donation which funded the project.
Service Times
Sunday Services – 10:00 am
Morning Prayer, A short spoken service (about 12 minutes).
Sunday Service 10:30 am
Sung Eucharist
The main Sunday service. This lasts approximately 1z hours.
At all Eucharistic Services all those who wish to receive Holy Communion are invited to do so, for it is Christ’s table not ours and He welcomes all to his altar.
Coffee/Tea is served in the Douglas Hall after this service.
Mid-Week Services
Wednesdays 11.00 am
Said Eucharist
Please note that from the beginning of October to the end of March this service is held in the Douglas Hall – not in the Church.
Once a month this is followed by the Dalmations. – this needs to be linked https://www.stmarysdalmahoy.org.uk/churchlife/Dalmations/dalmations.html
Presiding/Preaching/Assisting – Please see the link on our Home Page. Link to a pdf
Church Open Times
Monday, Wednesday and Friday – 10:00 am to 12 noon the church is open for visitors and quiet reflection and prayer.
Saturdays from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm – from the beginning of May to the end of September – the church is open to visitors except during Wedding ceremonies.
From Edinburgh
Travelling west from Edinburgh take the city by-pass A720 and then take the A71. Approximately two miles after the Heriot-Watt University Campus, turn left at the Dalmahoy Hotel and Country Club. Immediately on entering the hotel grounds, turn right into the church car park, and continue on past the church hall.
From Livingston area
Travelling east from Livingston on the A71, the church is approximately four miles on from East Calder. Follow the signs for the Dalmahoy Hotel and Country Club, turning right into the hotel grounds. Immediately on entering the hotel grounds, turn right into the church car park, and continue on past the church hall.
Please click or tap HERE to download printable directions and map and car park details.
Direction information from where you are can be found by clicking/tapping on ‘Directions’ on this Google map:

Service Times
Service times (including Presiding, Preaching and Assisting Rota) and directions. If you would like to come to one of our services you can check service times and how to get to us. Also included are details of when the church is open and our service times.
Sunday Services
10:00am – Morning Prayer, short spoken service (about 12 minutes)
10:30am – Sung Eucharist
Mid-Week Services
Wednesdays 11:00am – Said Eucharist, once a month this is followed by the Dalmations
Public Church Hours
Monday, Wednesday and Friday – 10:00 am to 12 noon the church is open for visitors and quiet reflection and prayer.
Saturdays – 10:00 am to 3:00 pm – from the beginning of May to the end of September – the church is open to visitors except during Wedding ceremonies.
The Anglican Communion
The Anglican Communion is made up of 38 self-governing Member Churches or Provinces in more than 165 countries. There are around 85 million members.
Anglican Churches uphold and proclaim the Catholic and Apostolic faith, based on the Scriptures. Central to worship for Anglicans is the celebration of the Holy Eucharist (also called the Holy Communion, the Lord’s Supper, the Mass).
The beliefs of Anglicans can be considered quite diverse.
More details can be found on the Anglican Communion’s official website or at some of the other websites about the Anglican Communion.

Safe Guard Policy
Ministry to children, young people and vulnerable adults is a cherished and important part of the work of the Scottish Episcopal Church. Every week, substantial numbers of vulnerable people visit church premises for worship or for social and recreational activities. Much of the Church’s ministry to them is only possible because of the dedication of the large numbers of volunteers who place their time and talents at the service of the Church.
St Mary’s follows the guidelines of the Scottish Episcopal Church on safeguarding the welfare of young people and children and its procedures for good practice. Please click/tap HERE for full details.
If a child, young person or vulnerable adult were to disclose to a volunteer that they have been subjected to any form of abuse, the volunteer will follow SEC guidelines to handle the situation appropriately and refer the situation on to the Children and Vulnerable Adults Protection Coordinator – Caroline Gunn – protection(@)stmarysdalmahoy.org.uk.

Scottish Episcopal Church
The Scottish Episcopal Church is a self-governing Province of the world-wide Anglican Communion. The church was first disestablished in 1689. During the eighteenth century its members were persecuted and subjected to severe penal statutes.
In many of its congregations, worship is centred round the 1982 Scottish Liturgy and the Church continues the development of non-Eucharistic services. The Liturgy Committee is now working on a new Eucharistic Liturgy.
The Scottish Episcopal Church has bishops, priests and deacons. These orders have existed since the early centuries of the Church. In 1994 women were ordained to the priesthood in the Scottish Episcopal Church for the first time.
The Scottish Episcopal Church now has over 350 churches in Scotland and some 52,000 members, 32,000 of whom are communicant members.
In the decision making processes, there is equal representation by clergy and laity. Parity in the participation and involvement of men and women in the life of the church is sought, as is an active part to be played by youth.
The General Synod meets annually and oversees the life of the Church in all its aspects. The Scottish Episcopal Church does not have an Archbishop, rather a Primus (from the Latin – primus inter pares – first amongst equals) who is one of the bishops who has been elected by the other bishops to preside over General Synod. The present Primus is The Most Revd Mark Strange, Bishop of Moray, Ross & Caithness.
In the Province, there are seven dioceses made up of amalgamations of the fourteen pre-Reformation dioceses. They are: Aberdeen and Orkney; Argyll and the Isles; Brechin; Edinburgh; Glasgow and Galloway; Moray, Ross and Caithness; St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane.
St. Mary's Church Dalmahoy
Parish Office, Kirknewton
EH27 8EB, United Kingdom
0131 333 1683
Printable Directions